Penyuluhan tentang Vektor dan Binatang Pembawa Agen Penyakit di Desa Dowiwi Kecamatan Simpang Raya Kabupaten Banggai

Counseling about vectors and animals that carry disease agents in Dowiwi Village, Simpang Raya District, Banggai Regency


  • Maria Kanan Universitas Tompotika Luwuk
  • Sutrisnawati Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Tompotika Luwuk
  • Caca Sudarsa Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Tompotika Luwuk
  • Dwi Wahyu Balebu Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Tompotika Luwuk


Saluran pembuangan air limbah, Desa Dowiwi , penyuluhan kesehatan


Di Indonesia, masalah vektor merupakan isu kesehatan yang signifikan karena memiliki berbagai vektor yang dapat menyebarkan berbagai penyakit menular. Untuk mengatasi masalah vektor di Indonesia, berbagai langkah telah diambil, termasuk program imunisasi, pengendalian vektor, pendidikan masyarakat, dan  surveilans. Penting untuk terus meningkatkan upaya pengendalian vektor dan kesadaran masyarakat untuk mengurangi beban penyakit menular yang disebabkan oleh vektor di Indonesia. Di desa Dowiwi masih terdapat lalat dalam rumah sebanyak 48,4% rumah, terdapat kecoa dalam rumah sebesar 28%, terdapat tikus di dalam rumah sebanyak 39,8%). Kegiatan penyuluhan kepada masyarakat penting dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang jenis-jenis vektor dan binatang pembawa penyakit, jenis-jenis agen penyakit yang ditularkan, cara penularan, pencegahan dan pengendaliannya. Sasaran penyuluhan yaitu masyarakat umum  dengan jumlah 50 orang.  Waktu pelaksanaan 23 Juli 2023, dilaksanakan di Balai Desa Dowiwi Kecamatan Simpang Raya. Sebelum dilakukan penyuluhan, terlebih dahulu dilakukan pre test untuk mengukur sejauh mana pengetahuan, sikap dan tindakan masyarakat di Desa Dowiwi tentang vektor dan binatang pembawa agen penyakit. Hasil pre test pada 50 responden menunjukkan terdapat 64% memiliki pengetahuan Baik, 26% Cukup, dan 10 % Kurang; terdapat 86% responden memiliki Sikap Positif, dan 14% Sikap Negatif; terdapat 88% responden memiliki Tindakan Positif dan 12% memiliki Tindakan Negatif. Diharapkan masyarakat selalu memperhatikan kebersihan dalam rumah dan  lingkungan sekitar  sebagai salah satu cara mencegah penularan penyakit tular vektor dan zoonosis.

In Indonesia, the vector problem is a significant health issue because it has various vectors that can spread various infectious diseases. To overcome the vector problem in Indonesia, various steps have been taken, including immunization programs, vector control, public education, and surveillance. It is important to continue to improve vector control efforts and public awareness to reduce the burden of infectious diseases caused by vectors in Indonesia. In Dowiwi village there are still flies in the house as much as 48.4% of the houses, there are cockroaches in the house as much as 28%, there are rats in the house as much as 39.8%). Community outreach activities are important to increase public knowledge about the types of vectors and animals that carry disease, the types of disease agents that are transmitted, methods of transmission, prevention and control. The target of the outreach is the general public with a total of 50 people. The implementation time is July 23 2023, held at the Dowiwi Village Hall, Simpang Raya District. Before counseling is carried out, a pre-test is carried out to measure the extent of knowledge, attitudes and actions of the community in Dowiwi Village regarding vectors and animals that carry disease agents. The pre-test results on 50 respondents showed that 64% had good knowledge, 26% had sufficient knowledge, and 10% had poor knowledge; there are 86% of respondents who have a positive attitude, and 14% have a negative attitude; there were 88% of respondents who had Positive Actions and 12% had Negative Actions. It is hoped that people will always pay attention to cleanliness in their homes and the surrounding environment as a way to prevent the transmission of vector-borne and zoonotic diseases.


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How to Cite

Kanan, M., Sutrisnawati, Sudarsa, C. ., & Balebu, D. W. . (2023). Penyuluhan tentang Vektor dan Binatang Pembawa Agen Penyakit di Desa Dowiwi Kecamatan Simpang Raya Kabupaten Banggai: Counseling about vectors and animals that carry disease agents in Dowiwi Village, Simpang Raya District, Banggai Regency. Jurnal Pengabdian MALEO, 2(1), 27-32. Retrieved from

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